One day, Resound, a small mechanical robot, was laying captive in a cage. He was wondering when his captors would release him when his cage began to sway and gyrate. At first, Resound was scared, and then became angry when he realized it was his captors moving him all about. You see, Resound was a lab experiment gone wrong. Some people, who were trying to make a fun, electric, kids' toy were working right next to people who were trying to make a smart robot. The electronics got mixed up and put in the wrong things, so when the kids toy got turned on, Resound was born.
Resound had always hoped that the experiments would stop, but he was beginning to lose hope. Resound was being starved off from his food, electricity, thrown, and dropped, too. What he really wanted to have was three meals a day, and a house, not a cage, in which he could have fun.
When the swaying and gyrating stopped, Resound was on his back and not very happy. A hand reached in, grabbed him, and pulled him out of the cage. Then, it dropped him in a pile of plastic rectangular prisms and cubes with small plastic circles on them and disappeared, it seemed, to ready the experiment.
"What is it going to be this time?" thought Resound, as he was dropped, screaming.
When he finally hit the ground, he found himself in a chamber made up of plastic, with no windows or light.
"At least they didn't drop me in a bucket of water." he said. "But that hurt!" He decided to explore the pitch-black room by finding the wall.
He had twelve unbendable appendages made of an eraser like material, and to move he had to vibrate, which made his teeth chatter.
He spun in wide circles and found the wall. He followed the wall through chambers and passages.
In one of the chambers, the room lit up, revealing the object Resound was standing on. The ground was red. There were white triangles hanging from the ceiling. Resound noticed that the triangles were descending towards…Him?! He quickly moved out of the way, barely missing the closing jaws, turned around and fearfully oscillated to the farthest room from the monsters lair.
The room had a large humanoid robot in the center, and there was some plastic water and land around it. "Whew! That was close!" he said. He decided to check the rooms for hidden exits so he could get out and stay out. He was thinking "What if the monster catches me?" He checked for hidden exits by feeling around on the floor and walls. None of the rooms he checked had secret exits except the monster room.
He was wondering if he should risk going into the monsters lair, when a bird swooped down out of nowhere and attacked the monster. Resound thought this would be the perfect time to try to find a secret door in the monsters lair.
In the monster room, he saw a door appear every time the monster opened its mouth to bite the bird. Just then the bird pecked out the monsters eyes, making it blind. Resound went through the door and saw a sign that read:
The test are over!
Now go take a vacation!
Exit this way --->
The End