Friday, September 30, 2011

A Pre Poem

Here is a poem and a simile about the stem pre, which means before. Me and my sister (7) worked on the poem and simile and I think it came out quite well. I hope that you can  figure out the poem. I hope you also enjoy both the poem and the simile.
I precede reptiles,
And I hop on tiles,
Floating on water,
And my legs are served by waiters,
I get eaten by dogs,
And live in a bog,
And I can predict the arrival of fog.
Can you guess what I am?
To precede is like to jump.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fish and Trees

Here is the poem and simile I did today. I think that the poem I did is kind of funny. It is written from a fish’s perspective. I think that the simile is very realistic. Do you think so to? Let me know. I hope you like  this. Enjoy! 
First, the poem:
I have a superstition,
That broad leafed plants like to feed,
On helpless fish like me, 
And take control of cats,
In big black hats,
but to me, no one heeds.
Next, the simile:
Superstitions are like trees; they start kind of small but grow very, very big.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Poem and Simile

Here is a poem and a simile I made today. I thought the poem was silly and pretty good at the same time, and so did my family, so I thought it would be funny to post it on my blog. The simile is my best yet, and I am very proud of it. I hope you like both the poem and the simile. Enjoy!
You were having a dream, 
About being a spectacle,
And floating in cream,
When you fell out of bed,
And discovered, to your surprise,
A spectrum of color, a cake on your head!
An inspection is like a microscope.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Today, we did Bananagrams. Then we made stories using the words we made. This was my story.
The mindless mule swam in the bay with a bee flying around his head. He had a pie stuck to his head, which had been there ever since he met a clown. If anyone saw the mule, it would immediately have been stuck in the jail for mules. On the shore a mole tried to shovel the sand but only dug up a bee’s hive. The wavy tide washed over the beach, where a turtle lay, saying quote after quote from Shakespeare for me. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Language Arts Poems Featuring Prefixes

The Prefix ex- means Out

Explode with joy,
You silly boy,
But I get to explode your hair,
And turn you into a bear.

The Prefix sub- means Under

Submarines and subways
both act like worms,
But go their separate ways,
Underwater and underground,
crawling fast and slow.

The Prefix de- means Down

I descended in a creaky old device,
Long out of date,
With a bottom made out of a grate,
And sides made out of slate,
Looking, looking, boldly looking,
For deposits of gold.

The Prefix re- means Again

I remembered to rehearse
My lines for the play
Which was going to happen
Any day.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Joe, the Lego Iguana

Written version:
(Shows title screen.)
“Here is Joe, my Lego iguana.  He lives in the Lego woods with his friend Blue Snake.  Let’s take a closer look at the iguana.”
(Screen fades to black.) 
“Joe’s favorite food is Lego blueberries, which make him healthy and slightly smarter than a normal iguana. He almost never gets sick and he loves to change his covering with Lego parts. Unfortunately you cannot see his ins... “ 
(Invisible cat comes crashing on top of iguana and his side comes off.)
  “Stupid cat! Shoo! Shoo!”
(The cat runs off.)
“Well, before he goes to the hospital, I might as well show you his insides.  Here is his brain. It controls his heart and muscles. His heart powers his brain.  He’s going to need a lot of stitches.  Bye!”
(Screen fades to black and displays the title screen.)