Objective: To sort different objects into different groups.
Descriptions for objects:
Objects are sorted by descriptions into five groups:
Results: What did I discover.
I observed that the objects fit into three main categories, building materials, balls, and food, but as I looked at them I saw more and different things about them. Because of that, it was very hard to pick five groups for them to fit into without listing the objects twice.
Even though the objects are similar, they still have differences. For example the building material objects were all used as building materials but some were rectangular and they could have fit with the rectangular objects. The round objects were all balls but some were multicolored and could have fit in the multicolored group. The food objects were all food but some of them were round and could have fit in the round group. It is very hard to get a perfect sorting system because the objects have many different characteristics.
There are many ways to sort things, size, shape, etc. but once you start inspecting the objects, it is very hard to know how to sort them so that they are only used once in each category because they have so many characteristics.
I am an explorer and found a new creature on a new planet. It is green, eats flies, lives in trees, and flies with wings. I can group it with frogs, monkeys or butterflies. I am going to group it with butterflies because butterflies can be green, can fly, and can live in trees. Here is a picture of it: