Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This is my fourteenth science project. It is about cross-linking and polymers.

Objective: Explore the chemical reaction between Elmer's glue and liquid laundry starch that changes the properties of two polymers by the formation of cross-links.
The glue feels sticky and gooey and so I will not be able to roll it into a ball.
The laundry starch feels wet, gooey, sticky, and slightly thick.
I think that if you added laundry starch to glue it would make a gelatinous goo.
After this, I think the glue would feel different.
I think that if you added glue to laundry starch it would make a blueish gelatinous goo.
After this, I think the laundry starch would feel different.
The starch and glue took a long time and a lot of mixing to get the mixture to become a ball.
I observed that when the starch and the glue were mixed together they made a mound.
I observed that the mixture of starch and glue changed as it was mixed together.
I observed that the mixture felt thick and sticky. I also observed that it could be rolled into a mound.
I think this meant that there was a reaction between the glue and the starch because it became warmer, stickier, and thicker than it had been before it was mixed.
If the polymers, which are long chains of molecules, in a mixture are not cross-linked (connected), they will slide past each other. If they are cross-linked, they will not slide past each other. 
After a lot of work with mixing the of liquid glue and liquid laundry starch, I observed that the substances made a mound because the polymers partially cross-linked. A ball would   have been created if the polymers had completely cross-linked.

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