Thursday, December 6, 2012


Aaron Shepard

A. Introduction
1. Why I like bromeliad
2. How bromeliads are important to ecosystem
B. What do bromeliads eat?

1. Microbes from air
2. Water from rain
C. Where do they live?
1. Warm, wet climates

2. Tropical climates
D. What do they look like?
1. Large flower or fruit in center when fully grown
2. Roots snaking out
a. Wiry grasping roots
b. Water and nutrient collecting
E. Reproduction
1. Bees
a. Pollinate flower using legs
2. Ants
a. Eat fruit and spread seeds around
3. Humans
a. put plant at 25º degree angle, let roots grow into soil
F. Uses
1. Food
2. Protection
3. Decoration
4. Meat tenderizer
5. Money
G. Conclusion
1. experience of bromeliads
2. Opinion on bromeliads
3. Try it!

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