Saturday, May 21, 2011

Creation Story

I wrote this comic shortly after building a dancing robot. This comic shows how a classical robot might create a world out of pure loneliness.


  1. Bored robot eh? Answers a 6 thousand year old question pretty succinctly. And more believable than many accounts I've heard

  2. Narration: A robot Gets bored . He/She comes up With the great idea of Making Friends. [click!] He Decides the Dinosaurs will do. He lives with them as friends for a little while, but only gets an extra metal bump on his head. They stand on him. So he decides to make them go kaboom and sticks with the mammals. Finally the mammal evolve into humans. And he doesn't make anything go kaboom any more!

    p.s. If my ancestor was a robot, maybe that's why gardening makes me feel so rusty.
