Saturday, September 10, 2011

Joe, the Lego Iguana

Written version:
(Shows title screen.)
“Here is Joe, my Lego iguana.  He lives in the Lego woods with his friend Blue Snake.  Let’s take a closer look at the iguana.”
(Screen fades to black.) 
“Joe’s favorite food is Lego blueberries, which make him healthy and slightly smarter than a normal iguana. He almost never gets sick and he loves to change his covering with Lego parts. Unfortunately you cannot see his ins... “ 
(Invisible cat comes crashing on top of iguana and his side comes off.)
  “Stupid cat! Shoo! Shoo!”
(The cat runs off.)
“Well, before he goes to the hospital, I might as well show you his insides.  Here is his brain. It controls his heart and muscles. His heart powers his brain.  He’s going to need a lot of stitches.  Bye!”
(Screen fades to black and displays the title screen.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Goodness, Aaron... that was too funny!! You are Very creative. I smiled at the end of your story :) XO Gma Sue
