Wednesday, April 20, 2011



(Enter Sheriff Scott holding bags.)

Sheriff Scott:  This is such a good night for stealing cats.  I hope this plan is successful.

(Sheriff Scott opens a window and climbs in. )

Cat:  MEOW!

Sheriff Scott:  Shut up, stupid cat!  I only have to do this 23 more times.  I'm glad I only steal at night.  I could get caught.

(Sheriff Scott exits.)

Scene One

(Curtain opens to reveal Frank Earnest laying on bed.)

Frank Earnest: (Yawning.)  What a nice day.  Hey!  Where's my cat?  I wonder where he is.

(Frank Earnest exits.)

Scene Two

(Enter Mom and Frank Earnest.  Stage set to kitchen.)

Frank Earnest:  Morning, Mom.

Mom:  Hi, honey.  Have you seen any cats?

Frank Earnest:  No, I haven't.  Why were you asking?

Mom:  Because I haven't seen any all morning.

(Mom and Frank Earnest exit.)

Scene Three

(Stage set to outside.)

Frank Earnest: I better find my friends.

(Enter Frank Earnest's friends.)

Friend One:  I think the sheriff stole them.

Friend Two:  I bet you're right.

Frank Earnest:  Hi, guys.

Cat:  MEOW!

Frank Earnest:  That's a cat!

(Frank Earnest and friends run off stage.)

Scene Four

(Frank Earnest and friends hide next to a booth where the sheriff is selling cats.)

Friend Two: Look!  It's the sheriff!

Friend One:  And he's selling cats!

Frank Earnest:  Nobody buys from the sheriff on the first day.  Let's take the cats at night and give them back to their owners.

(Frank Earnest, friends, and Scott exit.)

Scene Five

Crash! Boom! Bash! MEOW!

(Frank Ernest and friends enter.)

Frank Ernest: Now that we have these cats, let's return them to there owners!

(Frank Ernest and friends go behind houses and exit.)


Townspeople One-Five: Yay! Our cats are back! We should have locked our windows!

Sheriff Scott: Oh, great! Now I can't steal anymore cats!

Cat: MEOW!

(All exit.)

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Evelyn says:
    Good story!!! I liked it. Keep up the good work!
    Love & hugs from Grandma Evelyn in Florida
