Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bio 2

Objective: To observe many of the different jobs needed to run a household and to observe how all the jobs parents do are connected to other jobs performed by other people.


These are some of the jobs my mom and dad do:

Make and serve my meals.

Get my personal care.

Clean up after meals.

Clean the house.

Take care of the pets.

There are many tools and items my mom and dad need to do these jobs. For example, for the job of making and serving meals, my mom and dad need:






Rolling pin

Measuring spoons 

Store bought and garden vegetables and herbs



Now I’m going to look in more detail at one of the items. That item is store-bought food. The food came from a grocery store. The food was made by a food manufacturing company and brought to the grocery store in boxes in a truck. The item is made of raw food grown from a seed at a farm. 


My mom and dad do approximately two dozen jobs.  My mom and dad need approximately fifty different things to make and serve meals.  Some of the people needed to make the food are listed here: farmer, truck driver, food manufacturing supervisor, food boxing supervisor, truck driver, grocery store supervisor.

If my mom or dad had to make all of the things needed to make and serve the meals, there would be approximately 120 jobs.  Some of the jobs would be to make bowls. Here are the tasks: mine the silicon, melt the silicon into plastic, cut a tree apart to make a mold of a bowl, pour the silicon into the mold, eat out of bowl.

I discovered that if you had to make all the things in this house yourself, there would be approximately 1,200 jobs to do. I got that number by writing down the approximate number of tasks for making three things in this house (35 jobs), taking the average of the jobs (12 tasks per object), and multiplying it by the number of types of objects in the house (about 100) to get around 1,200 jobs. That assumes that you have to start over every time you make something. A few of the jobs are for making curtains: get wool or silk from a sheep or spider, weave the wool or silk into cloth, gather plants to dye the curtains, crush the plants to make dye, sew the curtains, dye the curtains, and hang the curtains. 

I think that it is very helpful to have a city that makes these things for you. The city makes the processes for making the things in our home easier and simpler. Also, the items are better quality because companies have specialized machines that help manufacture the items that you need. If my mom or dad had to make all the things in our home, they wouldn’t have time to help us do things.


If the jobs in the cell are not done, the cell will stop functioning. In a city, if the city stops performing its services, trash will pile up, making us sick, people will die from no emergency services and the roads will crumble, among other things. Nobody will be able to live there and the city will die like the cell.

In our home, if we don't keep it clean, make food, take out the trash and other critical chores, then we won't be able to live here. This is just like the cell and the city. Everything has to be maintained or it will fall to ruin.

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